Want new equipment? We've got you covered with fast, flexible equipment financing.

Yes, You Can Afford It!

Allowing dentists to expand and grow at an affordable cost is our goal, and we make it as easy as possible!

Make your equipment purchase fast and affordable.

Explore our flexible financing options.

No Payments for 6 Months

6 months of no payments, followed by your choice of 60, 72 or 78 months.

Route 66

No payments for 6 months, followed by $99/mo for the next 6 months, followed by 48, 60 or 72 equal payments.

Graduated Repayment Program

3 months at $0, followed by 9 months of reduced payment
(50 of your normal payments), followed by 60 or 72 months.

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 1:

Get approved in as little as 24 hours!

Henry Schein

Decide what equipment you want

Get the funding you need at the speed you want.

Rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All transactions are subject to the satisfaction of underwriting guidelines, credit approval by third-party lenders, documentation requirements, rates, and terms are determined by the creditworthiness of the applicant, and not all applicants will qualify. Certain other restrictions and additional terms and conditions apply.

Neither Henry Schein, Inc. nor Henry Schein Financial Services provides tax advice. Please consult with a qualified professional tax advisor to determine your eligibility for a Section 179 tax deduction. Must purchase and place into service by December 31, 2025.

©2025 Henry Schein, Inc. Neither Henry Schein, Inc. nor Henry Schein Financial Services provides financial advice. Please consult your financial advisor. Neither Henry Schein, Inc. nor Henry Schein Financial Services is a bank and neither represents itself as such, nor conducts banking activities. Henry Schein Financial Services may receive a marketing fee from the vendor for products/services purchased.

Copyright © 2025 Henry Schein Dental. All rights reserved. No copying without permission. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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